

1. **Booking Cargo**(订舱)

- We would like to book cargo space for a shipment to Shanghai.(我们希望给一批货物订舱至上海。)

2. **Freight Quotation**(运费报价)

- Could you provide us with a freight quotation for shipping goods to New York?(您能为我们运送货物至纽约提供运费报价吗?)

3. **Customs Clearance**(海关清关)

- We need assistance with customs clearance for our goods at the port.(我们需要在港口协助办理货物的海关清关手续。)

4. **Bill of Lading**(提单)

- Please send us a copy of the bill of lading for our recent shipment.(请将我们最近一批货物的提单副本发送给我们。)

5. **Container Inspection**(集装箱检验)

- We request a container inspection before the goods are loaded onto the ship.(我们要求在货物装船前对集装箱进行检验。)

6. **Insurance Coverage**(保险范围)

- Could you advise on the insurance coverage for this shipment?(您能为这批货物的保险范围提供建议吗?)

7. **Delivery Confirmation**(送货确认)

- Please provide a delivery confirmation once the goods have reached the destination.(货物到达目的地后,请提供送货确认。)

8. **Customs Declaration**(海关申报)

- We will handle the customs declaration for the goods upon arrival.(货物到达后,我们将负责处理海关申报手续。)
